According to Library/mobile: Tips on designing and developing mobile web sites by Kim Griggs, Laurie M. Bridges and Hannah Gascho Rempel, "...little work has been done in libraries to make library Web sites easily accessible to the growing number of users who access online via their phones."
It is well accepted that more and more people are using their mobile phones to access the Internet and search for information. It is very discouraging that libraries, also referred to as information centers, are behind on this technology. I dare say that not having a good mobile web site could actually hurt your patrons. People who would use the library as a first source of accurate information may look elsewhere if our mobile web cites are not up to par.
So, let's help our patrons. Don't delay! Read this very informative article for a quick intro to begin a mobile web page.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Always On!
I recently read the article Always on: Libraries in a world of permanent connectivity by Lorcan Dempsey.
I do not think that traditional content is dead. It has most definitely evolved and it may not be as popular as it once was because there are so many other options. Traditional content is now another option instead of the only option, but I will be chosen still when it meets the user's need or preference.
I agree that the Blackberry and other smart phones have raised the expectation of "anywhere, anytime availability in some work environment." Companies and non-profits that are not "always on" risk loss of consumers/patrons. I think that people now expect companies to be available many hours and think negatively of those that are not.
Should libraries always be on? Yes. Physical collections of libraries have changed and they are going to continue to do so. The library community must stay up with new technologies, but they must also be available for patrons who expect assistance away from the traditional reference desk. We now provide online databases, e-books and downloads that patrons are available to access at all times from many locations outside of our doors. It would be silly to provide these services without us being "always on" to assist patrons when it is most convenient for them!
I do not think that traditional content is dead. It has most definitely evolved and it may not be as popular as it once was because there are so many other options. Traditional content is now another option instead of the only option, but I will be chosen still when it meets the user's need or preference.
I agree that the Blackberry and other smart phones have raised the expectation of "anywhere, anytime availability in some work environment." Companies and non-profits that are not "always on" risk loss of consumers/patrons. I think that people now expect companies to be available many hours and think negatively of those that are not.
Should libraries always be on? Yes. Physical collections of libraries have changed and they are going to continue to do so. The library community must stay up with new technologies, but they must also be available for patrons who expect assistance away from the traditional reference desk. We now provide online databases, e-books and downloads that patrons are available to access at all times from many locations outside of our doors. It would be silly to provide these services without us being "always on" to assist patrons when it is most convenient for them!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tagging and Folksonomies
In the article Social Tagging as a Knowledge Organization and Resource Discovery Tool, Hesham Allam discusses social tagging benefits and limitations. I read this article before I explored some of the social tagging sites. I want to start by saying that looking at the social tagging sites first-hand provided me with a better understanding about what they were all about than this article.
I did find Allam's discussion about the motivators behind tagging videos and pictures to be interesting. He states that users increase their tagging activity when they perceive others as viewing them. In addition to this social motivator, tags are used to communicate personal opinion and for indexing. I took the Library Thing tour. In theory this sounds like a pretty cool site. I thought I was being high-tech converting my list of books I want to read from a piece of paper to a word document. Next, I signed up! I think that some classmates did not find this site very user friendly. From a novice perspective, I thought that the site was pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. I plan to recommend this site to library users! I found this site a little overwhelming. I think that for the amount of research I do, I am going to stick to subscriptions to online databases. I think it is great that there are free options for full-text articles, but I was not a fan of all the advertisements. I have heard a lot about Flickr. My sister might actually be a little more low-tech than me and she regularly uses the site. Personally, I just use Facebook to post pictures. I see that this site allows one to upload pictures once and then post them to either Facebook, email, Twitter or blogs. I think for someone that has more online presence than me, this site could be very useful. For personal use, I do not feel the need to have a flickr account. However, I think this would be a great resource for keeping indexes on events the go on in the library.
I did find Allam's discussion about the motivators behind tagging videos and pictures to be interesting. He states that users increase their tagging activity when they perceive others as viewing them. In addition to this social motivator, tags are used to communicate personal opinion and for indexing. I took the Library Thing tour. In theory this sounds like a pretty cool site. I thought I was being high-tech converting my list of books I want to read from a piece of paper to a word document. Next, I signed up! I think that some classmates did not find this site very user friendly. From a novice perspective, I thought that the site was pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. I plan to recommend this site to library users! I found this site a little overwhelming. I think that for the amount of research I do, I am going to stick to subscriptions to online databases. I think it is great that there are free options for full-text articles, but I was not a fan of all the advertisements. I have heard a lot about Flickr. My sister might actually be a little more low-tech than me and she regularly uses the site. Personally, I just use Facebook to post pictures. I see that this site allows one to upload pictures once and then post them to either Facebook, email, Twitter or blogs. I think for someone that has more online presence than me, this site could be very useful. For personal use, I do not feel the need to have a flickr account. However, I think this would be a great resource for keeping indexes on events the go on in the library.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Culture of Connectivity
Wow! I am watching my lecture online. I think is interesting that the lecture suggests Tweeting live while the discussion takes place!
John Palfrey mentions that people come into the school with a different set of abilities. This is especially important to keep in mind when the topic is relayed to library issues. I see patrons daily show all levels of competency. Some patrons want to sign up for computer classes, some want the latest downloadable books, some just want to use the internet for social networking, etc.
Danah Boyd's lecture was very interesting. It really had me considering what we actually show to other's online on our social networking sites.
I just found out that the average amount of people reading the average blog is 6. There are many blogs that are very popular, but most are not. It is important to keep in mind that the information you put out there is able to be found. This blog was created for my social networking class. I cannot imagine it to be of much interest to a large audience. Perhaps some students, co-workers and potential employers may follow it. I did a simple Google search of my name. This blog was the 6th listing.
So beware! Although what you write may not be followed by millions of people, keep in mind that it can be very accessible by millions of people!
John Palfrey mentions that people come into the school with a different set of abilities. This is especially important to keep in mind when the topic is relayed to library issues. I see patrons daily show all levels of competency. Some patrons want to sign up for computer classes, some want the latest downloadable books, some just want to use the internet for social networking, etc.
Danah Boyd's lecture was very interesting. It really had me considering what we actually show to other's online on our social networking sites.
I just found out that the average amount of people reading the average blog is 6. There are many blogs that are very popular, but most are not. It is important to keep in mind that the information you put out there is able to be found. This blog was created for my social networking class. I cannot imagine it to be of much interest to a large audience. Perhaps some students, co-workers and potential employers may follow it. I did a simple Google search of my name. This blog was the 6th listing.
So beware! Although what you write may not be followed by millions of people, keep in mind that it can be very accessible by millions of people!
Experts Weigh Pros and Cons of Social Media
Overall, there are many advantages to social media. In this article by Sandra Ordonez, both pros and cons are examined. I read the cons with much interest. I do believe that the pros far outweigh the cons, but there is certainly a responsibility by the users and the marketers of social media to assure it is used correctly. Our society is a democracy and people do have the right to write what they want. Because of this, social media can be used as forum for negativity in addition to all the benifits it can offer. Bullying is one of the most recognized problems that social media has enhanced. Students, co-workers, and family members now can write things that they may not say in person. And many times it is a lot meaner.
The topic of organizing due to social media will be further examined with my book review of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations by Clay Shirky.
The topic of organizing due to social media will be further examined with my book review of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations by Clay Shirky.
New Media, Old Media
New social medias all have their pros and cons and I think that they all have different functions depending on what the user wants.
I was not surprised that most of the time the top news story was the different for Twitter, blogs and YouTube in the 29 weeks the trend was tracked. Twitter is a great forum to post the most recent news. Especially if a link is provided for the user to find more in depth information about the breaking news. On the other hand, I never really considered YouTube a place for news in my personal life at all. I had all the librarians watching "cat mom hugs baby kitten". I love this video, but it is not news!
The findings of this article are not surprising,
"social media and the mainstream press clearly embrace different agendas. Blogs shared the same lead story with traditional media in just 13 of the 49 weeks studied. Twitter was even less likely to share the traditional media agenda-the lead story matched that of the mainstream press in just four weeks of the weeks studied. On YouTube, the top stories overlapped with traditional media eight out of 49 week".
New media is here to stay. Myself and many of my classmates agreed on that in a previous blog:
I was not surprised that most of the time the top news story was the different for Twitter, blogs and YouTube in the 29 weeks the trend was tracked. Twitter is a great forum to post the most recent news. Especially if a link is provided for the user to find more in depth information about the breaking news. On the other hand, I never really considered YouTube a place for news in my personal life at all. I had all the librarians watching "cat mom hugs baby kitten". I love this video, but it is not news!
The findings of this article are not surprising,
"social media and the mainstream press clearly embrace different agendas. Blogs shared the same lead story with traditional media in just 13 of the 49 weeks studied. Twitter was even less likely to share the traditional media agenda-the lead story matched that of the mainstream press in just four weeks of the weeks studied. On YouTube, the top stories overlapped with traditional media eight out of 49 week".
New media is here to stay. Myself and many of my classmates agreed on that in a previous blog:
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Library 2.0:Evolution or Revolution?
I do not think that libraries need a revolutionary change in their services to help patrons. Sure, libraries have to stay on top of current technologies to make sure that they do not become obsolete and that they provide the best services for their patrons. We have to provide the same or better information and service than what a patron may get from their peers or web sites that do not have verified information. And if the patron prefers to text than face-to-face interaction, then we must text too. Just like 2.0 is used to describe new or improved products, I believe that Library 2.0 is a more improved, patron oriented library. I do not think of it a bandwagon term that libraries use while products and services do not change. I have seen the launch of a mobile web site and a new entire web page roll out in the three years I have worked at the WPL. When I started there we did not have MP3 audios nor did we have a self check out DVD dispensing machine. I certainly think that we are trying to meet the needs of our patrons.
Library 2.0 is for sure a constantly evolving process!
Library 2.0 is for sure a constantly evolving process!
Facebook and Twitter Updates
Writing as much information as possible in 140 characters or less is proving difficult. Sure I can write a lot of acronyms and abbreviations. But, I am also concerned about keeping the posts professional and I do not want the message lost in acronym translation. OMG, 2MORO, BTW and L8R just aren't going to cut if for my tweets.
In Miller's article Tips for Writing Facebook and Twitter Updates three basic choices for non-profit posts are suggested. You want the readers to do, think, of feel something. I agree with all three reasons to post on a feed. I also think one of the main reasons libraries and other non-profits use Twitter and Facebook is to inform them of something. Perhaps the libraries hours have changed or there will be a fine free weekend coming up. Twitter would be a great forum to keep library follows up-to-date on such information.
I can really relate to Miller's comments about TMI, or too much information. I have just started using Twitter, but I find myself just passing by post on Facebook of people that always update their status. The same is true for organizations. I do love Jesus and Jason Mraz, but I did "unlike" both groups when I was receiving way to many posts from them. I find myself being more discerning when I decide what organizations to "like" and I will do the same on Twitter as I become more active on that site.
In Miller's article Tips for Writing Facebook and Twitter Updates three basic choices for non-profit posts are suggested. You want the readers to do, think, of feel something. I agree with all three reasons to post on a feed. I also think one of the main reasons libraries and other non-profits use Twitter and Facebook is to inform them of something. Perhaps the libraries hours have changed or there will be a fine free weekend coming up. Twitter would be a great forum to keep library follows up-to-date on such information.
I can really relate to Miller's comments about TMI, or too much information. I have just started using Twitter, but I find myself just passing by post on Facebook of people that always update their status. The same is true for organizations. I do love Jesus and Jason Mraz, but I did "unlike" both groups when I was receiving way to many posts from them. I find myself being more discerning when I decide what organizations to "like" and I will do the same on Twitter as I become more active on that site.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
First of all, I never thought that I would have a Twitter account. Then again, I think I also said that about having a blog. I am currently writing my tenth post! Like the blog, my Twitter account was created for library stuff. I chose to follow some library related organizations. And Gavin Degraw just for fun.
1. Worcester_PL
I'm sure everyone knows I work at the Worcester Public Library by now. There Twitter account is used to promote new books, DVD's and programs that are coming to the library.
2. ALA_Booklist
I learned about the ALA booklist in one of the first classes I took in the LIS program. I have been a fan ever since. There most recent tweet is about free audio books! How can you go wrong?
3. librarycongress
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. I'm trying to learn all things library, so why not this feed!
I occasionally check in with the library journal web site so I decided to follow them on Twitter too!
5.Gavin Degraw
So I am slightly obsessed with Gavin Degraw music. Just ask my family, friends and co-workers! This project is a good excuse to follow him on Twitter in addition to Facebook!
1. Worcester_PL
I'm sure everyone knows I work at the Worcester Public Library by now. There Twitter account is used to promote new books, DVD's and programs that are coming to the library.
2. ALA_Booklist
I learned about the ALA booklist in one of the first classes I took in the LIS program. I have been a fan ever since. There most recent tweet is about free audio books! How can you go wrong?
3. librarycongress
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. I'm trying to learn all things library, so why not this feed!
I occasionally check in with the library journal web site so I decided to follow them on Twitter too!
5.Gavin Degraw
So I am slightly obsessed with Gavin Degraw music. Just ask my family, friends and co-workers! This project is a good excuse to follow him on Twitter in addition to Facebook!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Nicholas Carr Blog-Response
I decided to write about 2 blog posts that were from late last month because I found them most relevant to me. Carr writes about a zero tolerance for print in his May 20, 20011 post. Florida has recently purposed a timeline to start using digital-only textbooks starting in with the school year 2015-2016. Like Carr, I do not agree that this plan is going to "meet the students where they are in their learning styles". Isn't it readily recognized that each student has different learning needs? I do not think that banning printed texts are the best way to reach all students learning needs at all.
Earlier in his blog on May 12, 2011, Carr wrote about an early test with results not favoring e-textbooks. There are many perceived benefits of using e-textbooks. The first thing I thought of when I read about the suggestion of using e-texts was the benefit they would have on a child's back. I am one of those children that really had to walk a mile to school with a backpack full of books in the middle of winter! And I'll tell you that was not fun. Besides that, Carr states other benefit for using the e-textbooks:
Carr concludes by writing that it is "naive to assume that e-textbooks are a perfect substitute for printed textbooks." I wholly agree.
Earlier in his blog on May 12, 2011, Carr wrote about an early test with results not favoring e-textbooks. There are many perceived benefits of using e-textbooks. The first thing I thought of when I read about the suggestion of using e-texts was the benefit they would have on a child's back. I am one of those children that really had to walk a mile to school with a backpack full of books in the middle of winter! And I'll tell you that was not fun. Besides that, Carr states other benefit for using the e-textbooks:
"They can be updated quickly with new information. They promise cost savings, at least over the long haul. They reduce paper and photocopier use. They can incorporate all manner of digital tools."As mentioned earlier, students learn differently. The study finds that the learning experience is not necessarily enhanced by the use of e-textbooks. For example, some student may like to read by section while others read a text straight through. Personally, I skim most educational text. I find it a lot easier to refer to an index or a table of contents in the print form. With not enough literature or studies done on the subject, I feel that banning paper texts is certainly a hasty move.
Carr concludes by writing that it is "naive to assume that e-textbooks are a perfect substitute for printed textbooks." I wholly agree.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Social Media Revolution 2011
Thanks to Laurel Wing from my Library 2.0 and Social Networking for bringing this to my attention.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Facebook Privacy Settings
Honestly I just find a lot of the Facebook privacy setting confusing. I'm sure many of you may too. Who can view my pictures? Who can comment of my wall? Who can comment on my comments?
I recently view the recommended privacy setting on Facebook. Take caution, these recommended privacy settings are also the default settings. Your status, photos, posts, bio, favorite quote, family and relationship status can be seen by anyone. Friends and friends of friends can see photos and video you were tagged in, religious and political views and birthdays. Keep in mind that a friend of a friend could be a complete stranger to you. Only people you are friends with on Facebook can comment on your posts, see your contact information and what places you check in to. Remember that if you "friend" Tommy from the fifth grade that you hit with a lunch box or accept a friend request from your ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago, they can see this contact information unless you change some of your Facebook settings.
Here is a link to a class reading that you may find useful.
I recently view the recommended privacy setting on Facebook. Take caution, these recommended privacy settings are also the default settings. Your status, photos, posts, bio, favorite quote, family and relationship status can be seen by anyone. Friends and friends of friends can see photos and video you were tagged in, religious and political views and birthdays. Keep in mind that a friend of a friend could be a complete stranger to you. Only people you are friends with on Facebook can comment on your posts, see your contact information and what places you check in to. Remember that if you "friend" Tommy from the fifth grade that you hit with a lunch box or accept a friend request from your ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago, they can see this contact information unless you change some of your Facebook settings.
Here is a link to a class reading that you may find useful.
Monday, June 6, 2011
"The Networked Librarian"
I just watched the lecture "The Networked Librarian" by Lee Rainee.
I think the best part of the lecture was Rainee's suggestion of forming alliances with groups in the community or those who might share the same views or goals as your particular library. I think that using varied forms of social media are a great way for libraries to not only network, but specifically engage their own community. Reaching out to patrons is great and the library I currently work in does that wonderfully. The concept of forming alliances with the community was new for me. Joining with local non-profits, schools, universities, and businesses are a great way for libraries to have a larger presence in their community and be more informed about what is actually going on.
Shifting focus a little, Tweckling!? How rude!
Often I heard and seen first-hand that people will say and write meaner things online than they would do so in person. So now instead of booing a speaker, something that many people would not do, they will write mean things about them real-time in a blog.
I think the best part of the lecture was Rainee's suggestion of forming alliances with groups in the community or those who might share the same views or goals as your particular library. I think that using varied forms of social media are a great way for libraries to not only network, but specifically engage their own community. Reaching out to patrons is great and the library I currently work in does that wonderfully. The concept of forming alliances with the community was new for me. Joining with local non-profits, schools, universities, and businesses are a great way for libraries to have a larger presence in their community and be more informed about what is actually going on.
Shifting focus a little, Tweckling!? How rude!
Often I heard and seen first-hand that people will say and write meaner things online than they would do so in person. So now instead of booing a speaker, something that many people would not do, they will write mean things about them real-time in a blog.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Library 2.0 Webology
The article by Kathy Tibor, Library 2.0 information and digital literacies in the light of the contradictory nature of Web 2.0 examines amateur and professional content when using new Web 2.0 technologies.
I agreed with what the author wrote. Yet, she offered no new ideas and I found a lot of the ideas were just common sense. They were back up by studies though.
I recently finished a final paper for my 504 class about teaching information literacy in public libraries. Perhaps this is why the ideas seemed like common sense.
“There is no single literacy that is appropriate for all people or for one person over all their lifetime.”
“Professional content have to be offered to students, teaching staff and researchers when they are fulfilling their professional rolls”
“Professional goals require higher level of reliability, accuracy and validity…”
I did find it interesting that studies suggest that younger generations actually differentiate content in school vs. at home. I find it disappointing when I read a young person’s Facebook status and everything is misspelled, written in short hand or acronyms. But it is a social site! I’m happy to learn that all of the younger generation may use a more professional tone while using school technologies!
The Terrible Twos: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and More
I noticed that classmates seem to be conflicted about this article. Some believe that Web 2.0 is just jargon, while others believe there is indeed more to the term. I am one of the latter.
I did notice that this article was written in 2006. The discussion can still be debated today but I believe that the layperson's knowledge of the term may have changed. Five years ago, I hadn't even heard the term. More recently the term Web 2.0 just seemed kind of intimidating. Now when I hear the Web referred to as Web 2.0 I really just consider it an upgraded version of the original. Notess hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "Web 2.0 sites have much more interactivity, with the ability to easily edit and move objects."
Of course Web 2.0 technologies have a place in libraries! Patrons of all types of libraries use social networking sites, online videos, podcasts, etc. to get information in today's world. Libraries must offer the same technologies to stay relevant and reach out to their patrons.
I did notice that this article was written in 2006. The discussion can still be debated today but I believe that the layperson's knowledge of the term may have changed. Five years ago, I hadn't even heard the term. More recently the term Web 2.0 just seemed kind of intimidating. Now when I hear the Web referred to as Web 2.0 I really just consider it an upgraded version of the original. Notess hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "Web 2.0 sites have much more interactivity, with the ability to easily edit and move objects."
Of course Web 2.0 technologies have a place in libraries! Patrons of all types of libraries use social networking sites, online videos, podcasts, etc. to get information in today's world. Libraries must offer the same technologies to stay relevant and reach out to their patrons.
Facebook has overtaken Google!
I came across a link in my weekly reading for when reading the article The Terrible Twos: Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and More by Greg R Notess.
I am surely feeling the time drain that the internet can become.
I know I cannot prolong getting glasses too much longer either.
Anyway, that link lead to a brief article about a former Google CEO who, “admits that under his watch Google missed its cue on the social media revolution and allowed Facebook to overtake them.”
If you enjoyed the Social Media Revolution 2 video, check this out!
I am surely feeling the time drain that the internet can become.
I know I cannot prolong getting glasses too much longer either.
Anyway, that link lead to a brief article about a former Google CEO who, “admits that under his watch Google missed its cue on the social media revolution and allowed Facebook to overtake them.”
If you enjoyed the Social Media Revolution 2 video, check this out!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Social Media Revolution 2
For anyone that is not in my Library 2.0 and Social Networking class, check out this video.
I found it extremely interesting and some parts were surprising. You don't need to be a future librarian or professor to enjoy it!
I certainly do not consider social media a fad. A few years ago, I did not want to join Facebook. When it opened up to people other than college students, I just thought I was too old to even be interested in such a site. Many of my friends started asking me if I had a Facebook account and told me I should sign up so it would be easier to keep in touch. Word of mouth was what ultimately lead to my decision to join the social networking site.
My mother has joined Facebook as well. She fits into the 55-65 year old fastest growing group of users. She is somewhat active on the site and uses it to talk to relatives out of state. I did have to help her post a picture of the family when after a few months; she still had a "creepy lady shadow" as her profile picture!
I found it extremely interesting and some parts were surprising. You don't need to be a future librarian or professor to enjoy it!
I certainly do not consider social media a fad. A few years ago, I did not want to join Facebook. When it opened up to people other than college students, I just thought I was too old to even be interested in such a site. Many of my friends started asking me if I had a Facebook account and told me I should sign up so it would be easier to keep in touch. Word of mouth was what ultimately lead to my decision to join the social networking site.
My mother has joined Facebook as well. She fits into the 55-65 year old fastest growing group of users. She is somewhat active on the site and uses it to talk to relatives out of state. I did have to help her post a picture of the family when after a few months; she still had a "creepy lady shadow" as her profile picture!
Creepy Lady Shadow

Mom’s New Profile Picture

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