Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Facebook Privacy Settings

Honestly I just find a lot of the Facebook privacy setting confusing. I'm sure many of you may too. Who can view my pictures? Who can comment of my wall? Who can comment on my comments?

I recently view the recommended privacy setting on Facebook. Take caution, these recommended privacy settings are also the default settings. Your status, photos, posts, bio, favorite quote, family and relationship status can be seen by anyone. Friends and friends of friends can see photos and video you were tagged in, religious and political views and birthdays. Keep in mind that a friend of a friend could be a complete stranger to you. Only people you are friends with on Facebook can comment on your posts, see your contact information and what places you check in to. Remember that if you "friend" Tommy from the fifth grade that you hit with a lunch box or accept a friend request from your ex-best friend's ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago, they can see this contact information unless you change some of your Facebook settings.

Here is a link to a class reading that you may find useful.



  1. Good post about privacy settings. I feel the same way. I am new to facebook and privacy settings are still a big concern for me.

  2. Thank you, Robin.

    I also came across an article link from AOL today about how to disable their facial recognition software, which is also a default feature now. I have included the link for anyone who is interested.

